Families Today

Chapter 30: Build a Strong Marriage

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 30.1 Qualities of a Strong Marriage

Review Key Concepts
  1. It makes marriages stronger. When partners want and expect the relationship to last, they are willing to work together to overcome problems. They act in ways that help them reach their goal of a long-lasting marriage.
  2. As children enter school; when children are teens.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. No. It is only one of many ways. Any action that shows empathy, concern, and support is thoughtful.
  2. Answers will vary. Examples of acceptance, flexibility, and thoughtfulness could be given. Examples could also include ways the partners show that the marriage is a priority.

Section 30.2 Skills and Resources for Marriage

Review Key Concepts
  1. Answers may vary. The text identifies money, sex, work, child rearing, in-laws, and how time is spent.
  2. Marriage counseling works best when both partners want to improve the relationship.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers will vary but could include: both must work to make a good marriage; if one person is not willing to give and contribute, the marriage can not be a success no matter what the other partner does. Students may or may not agree. Their answers should include a logical explanation of their reasoning.
  2. Students should rank order the following skills: conflict resolution, communication, building intimacy, decision making, and financial management. Explanations should be logical and support the rank ordering.
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