Families Today

Chapter 31: The Parenting Question

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Chapter Summary

Section 31.1 Examine Parenting

The decision to choose parenting has a lifelong impact on parents and children. There are pressures to have children and not to have children. There are many rewards of parenting, like love, affection, and joy given and received. Parents feel pride and satisfaction in helping a child grow and develop. Parenting also brings financial and personal costs. Some couples are infertile and may undergo treatments to have a child. People choose adoption for many reasons.

Section 31.2 Families Teach Values

Parents need emotional maturity and financial readiness to prepare for parenthood. They should have realistic goals and expectations and be old enough to handle this new role. Parenthood affects the lives of the whole family. Experience with children helps people understand what skills are needed to raise a child. Learning about reproduction and pregnancy helps partners become comfortable with what is happening. There are a number of resources for parents.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
parenting placenta
genetic diseaseprenatal
fertility birth defect
infertility trimester
adoption miscarriage
parenting readiness labor
child development postpartum

Academic Vocabulary
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