Families Today

Chapter 31: The Parenting Question

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 31.1 Examine Parenting

Review Key Concepts
  1. Parenthood is biology—the physical act of producing a child. Parenting is the process of caring for children and helping them grow and learn.
  2. Costs include: food, clothing, toys, equipment, supplies, medical care, childcare, education, recreation, larger home and its associated costs.
  3. Some couples who want to have a baby often use international adoption because the wait for a baby in the United States can take up to five or more years. Also, they may want to give a home to an orphan or abandoned child from another country.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Posters will vary but should identify why the decision to have a child is so important.
  2. Summaries will vary according to the articles read but should include information on the challenges and rewards of adopting an older child or one with disabilities.

Section 31.2 Prepare for Parenthood

Review Key Concepts
  1. Parenting readiness is the degree to which people have made preparations for parenting.
  2. It is very important because the more partners understand the physical changes taking place in the woman's body, the more comfortable they will be with pregnancy and childbirth.
  3. High schools, community colleges, social agencies, mental health agencies, religious organizations, and hospitals.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers will vary according to topics chosen. Information in reports should be accurate and correct terminology should be used.
  2. Answers will vary according to the courses available. Lists should include when and where classes are offered and other information students find. Outlines should be in proper format and cover the topics of a typical class.
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