Families Today

Chapter 32: Skillful Parenting

Chapter Summaries with Key Terms and Academic Vocabulary

Chapter Summary

Section 32.1 Promote Children's Development

Parenting works best when it is a partnership between parents. Children need healthy, balanced meals, suitable clothing, exercise, and rest. Medical care helps keep them healthy. The environment should be safe for them. Children can learn self-care. Children need to develop socially. Intellectual development requires many learning experiences. Good language skills are also needed. Children also develop emotionally and morally. Children with special needs require more time and attention from parents.

Section 32.2 Guide Children's Behavior

The three basic styles of parenting are authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. Discipline is guiding children to good behavior. It is different from punishment. Parents promote good behavior by setting good examples and giving positive support. Children need to know what behavior is safe, appropriate, and acceptable. Children may need to experience the result of poor choices. Time-outs are another way to deal with bad behavior. So is taking away privileges. Parents should start guiding children when they are young and be consistent in their actions.

Content and Academic Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
motor skills permissive style
monitor discipline
latch-key child positive reinforcement
authoritarian style time-out
authoritative style

Academic Vocabulary
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