Families Today

Chapter 32: Skillful Parenting

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 32.1 Promote Children's Development

Review Key Concepts
  1. Families headed by a single parent are more likely to have difficulty meeting their financial needs than those headed by a couple. Child support payments help provide for the children's needs.
  2. Motor skills are developed through exercise and other physical activities.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Answers will vary. Examples are: mum or mummy are used in the United Kingdom; mom or mommy in most of North America; mam or mammy is from North Wales, the South Wales valleys, and Ireland; mama and ma are used in parts of the middle east and Latin America; maman in French and Farsi (Persian); maadar in Farsi (Persian), or mamma in Italian, or mãe in Portuguese. Most of these terms are very alike.
  2. Answers will vary depending on garments selected. Features could include elastic waistbands, snap closures, hook and loop tape fasteners, and V-necked shirts for ease over the head.

Section 32.2 Guide Children's Behavior

Review Key Concepts
  1. In the authoritarian style, the parent makes the decisions with little or no input from others; in the authoritative style, the parent makes the decisions but gets input from other family members; in the permissive style, anyone can make decisions.
  2. Something that acts to encourage a specific behavior.
  3. They are exposed to fewer outside influences that could affect the habits they develop.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. What the parent said was too vague to be obeyed. The limit is more effective if it is clear and positive, as "Be in the house by eight o'clock."
  2. Answers will vary according to the articles chosen. Students should summarize the information and analyze the article.
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