Applying Life Skills ©2010

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What is the definition of "networking"?
A)Making use of your education to achieve your goals
B)Making use of personal connections to achieve your goals
C)Asking a family member for a job
D)Using your skills to achieve your goals
What should your résumé include?
A)Your favorite color
C)Action words
How long should a cover letter be?
A)A single page
B)Two pages
C)A half a page
D)As long as you need
When you interview for a job, what should you wear?
A)A suit.
B)Clothing that is bright and full of color so they remember you
C)Clothing that shows them your personality
D)Clothing that is appropriate for the job you will be performing
When you interview, what should you do?
A)Answer questions with a "yes" or "no."
B)Be as familiar as possible with the interviewer.
C)Maintain good eye contact.
D)Talk about your weekend.
What is telecommuting?
A)Working from home and communicating with co-workers via telephone, and the Internet
B)Working from home and communicating with co-workers via the telephone
C)Working in an office and using the Internet for all communications
D)Working in an office and communicating with everyone around you
How can you balance work and family?
A)Ignore school.
B)Participate in everything you can at home and at work.
C)Forget about your hobbies.
D)Avoid overload.
What is one way for you to be successful?
A)Make a lot of money.
B)Enjoy the work you do.
C)Work long hours.
D)Skip meals.
What is stress?
A)The ability of a person to complete a task.
B)The ability to compress work into a few hours
C)The ability to maintain relationships at home and a full workload at the same time
D)The pressure people feel as the result of their ability or inability to meet the expectations of others
What branch of the U.S. Government sets job safety standards?
A)The U.S. Department of Agriculture
B)The Federal Bureau of Investigation
C)Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
D)Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA)
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