Applying Life Skills ©2010

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Practice Quizzes

What do you call a person you admire and learn attitudes and behaviors from?
A)Role model.
B)A friend.
C)A mentor
D)A teacher
What is one technique that people use to manipulate others?
C)Sincere compliments
Which of these is an example of an assertive response?
A)Direct eye contact and a firm tone of voice
B)Slouching shoulders and a mean expression
C)Forward leaning torso, with a firm expression
D)Angry tone of voice, and finger pointing
What is infatuation usually based on?
A)True love
B)Physical attraction
C)Good grades
What are two ways to deliberately end a friendship?
A)Loudly and publicly
B)Privately and quietly
C)Firmly and assertively
D)Gradually or directly
What is the risk of saying no to someone without true conviction?
A)The person may see an opportunity to change your mind.
B)The person may be offended.
C)The person might make fun of you.
D)The person will feel sorry for you.
Why to people tend to move into their own groups at larger gatherings?
A)They are afraid of people they do not know.
B)Familiar groups give people a comfortable sense of belonging.
C)People are naturally competitive.
D)Doing otherwise would be rude.
Which is not an effective way to make new friends?
A)Wearing a friendly expression
B)Starting a conversation
C)Being quiet and looking approachable
D)Offering to help someone
Why do some people tend to become friends with those who are not good for them?
A)Because they are confident
B)Because they are naturally very friendly
C)Because they like to have large parties
D)Because they tend to have low self-esteem
Sticking to your own code of conduct is an example of what type of responsibility?
A)Family responsibility
B)Personal responsibility
C)Community responsibility
D)General responsibility
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