Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 14: Your Health

Chapter Summaries

Your physical, mental and emotional health are all interrelated. Everyday activities affect your overall health. You can take proactive measures to promote your wellness. A good personal care routine is important to your health. Forming good nutrition and exercise habits now can benefit you throughout your lifetime. Regular checkups are an important part of maintaining your physical health. There are many strategies for coping with stress. Some depression is common in teens, but if you suffer from extreme depression or have thoughts of suicide, seek help immediately.

Understanding the factors that determine weight help you manage your weight more effectively. Eating disorders can result in severe health problems. Frequently abused drugs have a variety of negative physical and psychological effects. Always follow doctor's orders and instructions on OTC and prescription medicines. STIs can cause serious physical and mental harm, or even death. Teen pregnancy is unhealthy for both mother and child. Abstinence is the only guaranteed way to avoid STIs and the risk of pregnancy. Refusing risky activities helps keep you safe and shows others that you respect your health and yourself.

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