Applying Life Skills ©2010

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What can clothing convey about you?
A)How good looking you are.
B)The kind of grades you receive.
C)Positive self-esteem.
D)How nice you are
What is texture?
A)The surface characteristic that you see or feel in a fabric.
B)The characteristic of fabric that guides your eye movement up, down, and across a garment.
C)The area inside a silhouette of a garment.
D)How bright or dull a fabric appears.
How would you best describe the value of a color?
A)How colors make you feel.
B)How bright or dull a fabric is.
C)The thread count of the weaving in a type of fabric.
D)The lightness or darkness of a color.
Yellow, orange, and red are examples of what type of color?
What affect can tubular shaped garments have on a person's body?
A)They make the body look wider and shorter.
B)They make the body appear taller and slimmer.
C)They give the illusion of increased size.
D)They make a body look broader.
What effect can bold patterns have on a person's body?
A)They make the body seem taller than it is.
B)They can give the illusion of increased size.
C)They tend to pull back and give the illusion of reduced size.
D)They can give the illusion of a solid color.
What does the proportion of a garment refer to?
A)The focal point of a garment.
B)When elements of design complement each other.
C)How separate parts of am outfit relate to one another.
D)The feeling of movement or leading the eye around the garment.
What are three places in a garment you would look when shopping for quality clothes?
A)The hem, seams, and corners.
B)The tag, pleats, and fastenings.
C)The hem, tag, and pockets.
D)Seams, corners, and pockets.
Before purchasing a garment, what should you look for?
B)The care label.
C)Laundry soap.
D)Your wallet.
What is one way to shop responsibly?
A)Leave all the clothes you don't want in the dressing room.
B)Wipe your hands on the dark clothes, but not the light ones.
C)Help restock the clothes you do not want.
D)Wear lip balm that won't stain the clothes.
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