Applying Life Skills ©2010

Chapter 28: Sewing Basics

Chapter Summaries

There are basic sewing skills used frequently in clothing projects. These include basting, sewing seams and facings, and performing basic machine stitching. Basting allows you to check a garment's fit before sewing it permanently. Seams hold a garment together and facings help finish off raw edges. Directional stitching and staystitching are frequently used when using a sewing machine.

Being able to make hems, alterations, and additional enhancements on a garment helps to expand your wardrobe. The type of hem you will use depends on the type of fabric and the design of the project. Simple alterations such as lengthening, shortening, widening, and taking in can extend the usefulness of a garment. Fabric manipulations and added materials add interest and uniqueness to garments.

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