Food for Today ©2010

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A common symptom of stress is
A)a positive mood.
B)weakened immunity.
C)sleeping eight hours a day.
D)an increase wish to be with others.
During stressful times, you should
A)schedule time for nourishing meals.
B)drink lots of coffee and other caffeinated beverages.
C)increase the amount of liquids you drink.
D)eat chocolate and salty snacks.
Talking about a problem with a friend or counselor
A)should be avoided. You don’t want others to know what is worrying you.
B)makes the problem worse.
C)often makes the problem seen more manageable.
D)will just confuse you.
When some antibiotic are taken with dairy foods,
A)the calcium may prevent the absorption of the antibiotic.
B)the combination may cause vomiting.
C)the combination may cause a food allergy.
D)the calcium may increase the potency of the antibiotic.
Which of the following is not a chronic disorder?
A)a broken leg
D)high blood pressure
Which of the following increases the risk of heart disease?
C)High Cholesterol
D)H1N1 Flu
A food allergy is
A)an abnormal response to certain foods by the body’s immune system.
B)a negative physical reaction to food that does not involve the immune system.
C)a psychosomatic reaction to a food.
D)rarely seen in children.
A person suffering from anorexia nervosa
A)eats an enormous amount of food in a short time.
B)combines binging with purging to rid the body of the food to prevent weight gain.
C)eats only when with friends and family.
D)develop unusual, and often very rigid, eating habits and rituals.
Often a person with eating disorder,
A)has high self-esteem.
B)has a positive outlook on life.
C)believes that they can never be too thin.
D)copes with stress in positive ways.
A person with an eating disorder
A)can cure themselves.
B)is aware of their problem.
C)will need professional help.
D)will grow out of it.
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