Discovering Life Skills ©2010

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What is the difference between a friend and an acquaintance?
A)An acquaintance is someone you know from school. A friend is someone you know from outside of school.
B)A friend is someone you meet often but are not close to. An acquaintance is someone you are close to.
C)An acquaintance is someone you meet often but are not close to. A friend is someone you are close to.
D)A friend is someone you know from school. An acquaintance is someone you know from outside of school.
What is not a quality of a good friendship?
A)Participants enjoy each other's company.
B)Participants are honest with each other.
C)Participants try to change each other to make the other person better.
D)Participants share good times.
What is not a quality of a good friend?
If you confide in your friends, what do you do?
A)Tell them your secrets.
B)Depend on them.
C)Share your food with them.
D)Split your time between two friends.
Which is an example of jealousy?
A)Feeling unhappy that your friend got a new shirt that you wish was yours
B)Feeling proud of your sister because she got a good grade on a test
C)Feeling sorry for your friend because she lost her cell phone
D)Feeling angry at your friend because he did not keep a secret that you told him
What is an example of positive peer pressure?
A)Going to their friend's basketball game and cheering her on
B)Forcing a friend to do something even though he does not want to because you know he will have fun
C)Making a friend feel guilty for not wanting to join in an activity
D)Making someone feel like they have to do something because everyone else is doing it
Which is not a good way to stand firm against peer pressure?
A)Use the name of the person who is pressuring you.
B)Apologize for your decision to try to calm the person who is pressuring you.
C)Directly and honestly state how you feel.
D)Use a firm yet friendly tone of voice.
What does OTC stand for?
A)Out of the courts
B)Over the counter
C)Out of the classroom
D)On time constantly
What is an example of a high-risk behavior?
A)Saying no to situations that make you feel uncomfortable
B)Telling your parents if a situation gets out of hand
C)Drinking alcohol
D)Practicing abstinence
What is not something you should do to handle bullies?
A)Try to avoid the bullies and the places they hang out.
B)If you are being bullied, do not tell anyone because that will only make it worse.
C)Stick up for someone who is being bullied.
D)Respond firmly or walk away.
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