Marketing Essentials 2012

Chapter 2: The Marketing Plan

eMarketing Feature

Social Network Advertising
Social networking started out as a way for people to connect with old friends, make new friends, and stay in touch with other people of similar interests via the Internet. Over time social networking has become an excellent way for businesses to make targeted and immediate contact with the masses.

Social ads in social networking sites are related to users' activities. Imagine this scenario: Rob, a Facebook user, just bought a new Chevrolet® truck. He took a picture of his new truck and posted it on his profile page. His friends receive regular updates on Rob's activities. Embedded in the update shared with his friends, there could be an image of a Chevy truck and a link to the Chevrolet Web site. The ad spreads among members of Rob's social network.

Innovate and Create
Ask students to work in small groups to create a scenario in which friends within a social network might influence the online buying behaviors of others in the group. Have each group present its ideas to the class.

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