Marketing Essentials 2012

Chapter 11: Management Skills

eMarketing Feature

On-site Web Analytics
On-site web analytics is a tool used to evaluate the effectiveness of a Web site by collecting, measuring and analyzing data generated by Web site visitors. Software can be used to count the number of hits a Web site receives, as well as how visitors navigate the site. Conversion rates can also be studied, which shows when visitors take positive action, such as signing up for a newsletter or purchasing goods. All data mined and reports generated from web analytics can be used by management to decide on the overall effectiveness of the company's online presence. It can help management decide what action, if any, is needed to improve the company's Web site.

Innovate and Create
Select two Web sites of competing companies for students to evaluate based on ease of navigation, visual appeal, and information relevancy. Assign different competing Web sites so reports are varied. Suggested competing Web site are two pharmacies (i.e., CVS® and Walgreens®), two supermarkets (i.e., A&P® and Stop & Shop®), and two clothing stores (Old Navy® and Buckle®). Have them share their evaluations and suggestions for improvement in two separate one-page written reports (one for each company's management). Students should include information on how this evaluation process would be improved if they had on-site web analytics to justify their recommendations. Have students share their findings and suggestions in an oral report.

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