Marketing Essentials 2012

Chapter 20: Print Advertisements

eMarketing Feature

Augmented Reality and Mash-ups
Augmented reality (AR) is technology that permits readers to see expanded aspects of an illustration through a simulator, which may include 3D, holograms, or the ability to see oneself using a product. A web cam computer connection is required. Imagine an illustration or product coming off the page into a virtual reality. A sunglasses company using augmented reality on its Web site allows viewers to see themselves trying on different virtual sunglasses. USPS Priority Mail uses augmented reality on its Web site to permit viewers to compare the item to be shipped with the various boxes offered by USPS. The user clicks on different size boxes, which appear transparent, to see which size box best fits the item to be shipped.

Innovate and Create
Have students conduct an Internet search to find examples of augmented reality and mash-ups. Once they have a handle on how they work, have students work in groups to create an ad campaign that uses augmented reality or cut-and-paste mash-ups. They can begin with a current advertisement or create a completely new one. Final projects should be shared with classmates in an oral report.

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