Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 2: Mental and Emotional Wellness

Student Web Activities - Teacher Center

Lesson 3


1. Emotional highs and lows can be caused by hormones, pressure, added responsibilities, challenges at school, and changes in friendships.

2. A teen is depressed or anxious for more than a few weeks should get help from a counselor or a doctor.

3. Teens can manage stress by: allowing plenty of time, exercising, get plenty of sleep and eat well, discuss problems with family and friends, take time out, breathe deeply, ask for help.

4. Breaking down your feelings into different categories can help you sort them out.

5. If you don't feel safe, or feel belittled or hurt when you're with your partner, you are probably in an abusive relationship.

Additional Resources for Teachers

The Web sites below discuss strong emotions and offer constructive ways to cope with them.

Lesson 4


1. The fight or flight response helped people to survive.

2. Some of the physical signs of short-term stress include sweaty palms or dry mouth, and knots in your stomach. Also you might feel butterflies in your stomach, feel sad or worried, not feel like doing anything and trouble concentrating.

3. Long-term stress may cause physical signs such as headache, trouble sleeping or tossing and turning all night, feeling down and angry all the time.

4. Some healthy ways to handle anger include:

  1. Put your body in motion, get moving.
  2. Fuel up, eat breakfast and regular meals.
  3. LOL, laughter is the best medicine.
  4. Have fun with friends, do activities with people you like.
  5. Talk to someone you trust.
  6. Take time to relax, read, daydream, just chill.
  7. Catch some zzz. Get the right amount of sleep.
  8. Keep a journal. Write about your feelings.
  9. Get it together, get organized and be prepared.
  10. Lend a hand, get involved in activities to help someone else.

Additional Resources for Teachers

In addition to the general resources listed below, there are a variety of sites designed to help teens deal with the stress associated with specific issues such as bullying, relationship break-ups, terrorism, sexuality, and health challenges like cancer or diabetes. You might want to expand the lesson to explore the issues that are important to your students.

  1. Peel Public Health – Making emotions work for you: http://www.region.peel.on.ca/health/commhlth/teenpowr/6ways.htm
  2. Stop Bullying: http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/teens/spot030504.asp
  3. National Violence Prevention – Responding to terrorism: http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/terrorism/teen.asp
  4. Public Health Agency of Canada – Helping teens cope with stress: http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/publicat/oes-bsu-02/teens_e.html
  5. Kids Health - Coping with Cliques: http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/relationships/cliques.html
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