Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 2: Mental and Emotional Wellness

Online Quizzes

Who is/are the first and greatest influence on the development of your self-concept?
B)Your parents or guardians
C)Your grandparents
D)Your friends
How can you develop a positive self-concept?
A)Dwell on your mistakes.
B)Participate in risky behavior.
C)Try something new.
D)Take setbacks personally.
Keeping your promise to a friend is an example of which good character trait?
Which is NOT an example of good character
A)Being honest with your family
B)Doing your chores
C)Not cheating
D)Insisting you are right
Which statement is NOT true?
A)Emotions are triggered by daily events.
B)Mood swings are part of growing up.
C)Emotions are either good or bad.
D)It is important to learn how to handle your emotions in healthful ways.
What is the first step in responding healthfully to a strong of difficult emotion?
A)Say what is on your mind.
B)Try to understand what you are feeling.
C)Ignore your feelings.
D)Listen to music.
Which statement is NOT true?
A)Some people do not have stress .
B)Stress is normal and can be positive or negative.
C)Over a long period of time, stress can harm your physical, mental/emotional, and social health.
D)Stress cannot always be avoided, but it can be managed.
What role does adrenaline play in the stress response
A)It sends signal to the brain that there is stress.
B)It prepares the body to respond to stress.
C)It is a source of stress.
D)It is released once the stressful situation is over.
If your friend gives you several of her favorite things for no reason what should you do?
A)Tell a trusted adult right away
B)Tell her thank you
C)Give her some of your favorite things
D)Talk to your friends to figure out what is wrong with her
You may have an emotional problem if
A)You feel sad or afraid from time to time
B)You are afraid of spiders
C)You have mood swings
D)You feel sad for long periods of time and want to die
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