Teen Health Course 1

Chapter 2: Mental and Emotional Wellness

Student Web Activities - Lesson 3 - Managing Strong Emotions


Understanding and expressing your emotions can help you discover ways to deal with emotions and feel good about yourself. On the Web site below you will learn about the various reasons for strong emotions and how your body reacts to them.

Link to explore: Palo Alto Medical Foundation: Teen Health - Emotions and Life


  • Start at the Teen Health – Emotions and Life Web site.
  • Read the introductory page and each of the links under “Emotions” and “Relationships.”
  • Take notes as you go.
  • When you are done reading, answer the questions below.
  • Finally, use what you learned to make a list of four positive things you can do to deal with strong emotions.


What are some causes of emotional highs and lows for teens?
If a teen stays depressed or anxious for more than a few weeks what should he/she do?
What are four of the seven tips for managing stress?
What is a good way to sort out mixed feelings you have about a relationship?
If you don’t feel safe, or feel belittled or hurt when you’re with your partner, what kind of relationship are you probably in?
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