Families Today

Chapter 24: Consumer Skills

Check Your Answers: Section Review Answer Keys

Section 24.1 Be a Good Consumer

Review Key Concepts
  1. It is well made, works right, and will last.
  2. Direct advertising tries to convince you to buy a particular product by appealing directly to your values. Indirect advertising is more subtle. It involves product placement in movies, videos, and television programs. Another technique is printing the name of the company or product on clothing.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Students should research the selected products and write a summary that would help other purchasers know what to look for.
  2. Answers will vary. Students should analyze the advertisement and respond to the questions with cogent and logical answers.

Section 24.2 Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

Review Key Concepts
  1. Ban goods that are hazardous to health or life, provide warning labels, give specific directions for the safest possible use.
  2. If they are not solved quickly, there could be negative reports to the credit reporting companies.
  3. How long a company has been in business, how often complaints have been made against a company, and how a company handles complaints.

Practice Academic Skills

English Language Arts
  1. Students should collect appropriate articles and create an attractive bulletin board.
  2. Letters should outline the situation and what the writer is asking other students to do. They should not be emotional or inflammatory.
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