Applying Life Skills ©2010

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What is wellness?
A)Your health.
B)A positive approach to life based n healthy attitudes and actions.
C)The ability to practice yoga at your local park.
D)Being in harmony with your surroundings.
What is grooming?
A)The personal care routine you follow to keep yourself clean and well-groomed.
B)The personal care routine you follow to keep yourself clean.
C)The routine you follow to make sure your hair always looks nice.
D)The commitment you have to overall cleanliness.
How can you fight plaque from building up on your teeth?
A)Brush your teeth at night.
B)Floss before you go to the dentist.
C)Use mouthwash.
D)Drink water.
What are the four elements of fitness?
A)Heart health, lung capacity, muscular endurance, muscular strength
B)Heart and lungs, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility.
C)Strength building, stretching, aerobic exercise, and flexibility.
D)muscular endurance, balanced nutrition, flexibility, and regular checkups.
What is stress?
A)Mental strain
B)Physical strain
C)Emotional strain
D)All of the above.
Which of the following is not a sign of an eating disorder?
A)Chewing gum excessively.
C)Relaxing while enjoying a meal with friends
D)Going to the bathroom immediately after eating.
Which of the following is not a risk related to tobacco?
B)Good heart health.
D)Second hand smoke.
Which of the following is not a symptom of using stimulants.
A)Decreased heart rate.
B)Increased breathing rate.
C)Raised blood pressure
D)Speed up nervous system.
Which of the following can help you with health related questions?
A)The U.S Food and Drug Administration.
B)The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
C)American Medical Association.
D)All of the above.
What is the easiest way to convey you are serious about a decision to your friends?
A)Eye contact.
B)Looking at the ground while you speak.
C)Refusing to commit to a yes or a no.
D)Going along with whatever others tell you to do.
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