Applying Life Skills ©2010

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Which of these is not a correct way to baste a garment?
A)Use a needle and thread to baste by hand.
B)Use double sided tape.
C)Set a machine's stitch length to its longest so the stitches will be easy to remove later.
D)Use paper clips to hold the seams together while you work.
What is facing?
A)The top layer of a garment that faces out.
B)The process of trimming the seam allowances in layers.
C)Fabric that finished a raw edge.
D)The process of inspecting a hand-sewn garment closely.
Does an outward-curved edge need notching or clipping?
When you press as you sew, you need to do what?
A)Check for the correct temperature setting on the fabric care label.
B)Press rather than iron.
C)Use the point of the iron to press seams open.
D)All of the above.
It is best to mark a hem when you are doing what?
A)Using a yardstick
B)Wearing the garment and any pair or shoes.
C)Wearing the garment.
D)Wearing the garment and the shoes that go with it.
What is a gather?
A)A soft fold in the fabric.
B)A pleat in the fabric.
C)A wrinkle in the fabric.
D)A pulled thread that makes the fabric pucker.
What is a casing?
A)The case for your sewing machine.
B)A sleeve.
C)A closed tunnel used for elastic waistbands.
D)An open pouch for pillows.
What is trim?
A)An accent sewn into the seam of a garment.
B)An accent applied to the pockets of a garment.
C)An accent applied to the color, cuffs, of hem of a garment.
D)The extra fabric that is left over after your project is complete.
What is piping?
A)A technique that helps form sleeves correctly.
B)A closed tunnel used for elastic waistbands.
C)An accent applied to eth collar, cuffs, or hem of a garment.
D)An accent that can be anywhere on a garment.
What is shirring?
A)Several rows of gathers.
B)Cutting excess fabric away from the seams to allow layers to flow freely.
C)An accent, such as brightly colored fabric on the inside of a jacket or blazer.
D)Using a slip-stitch to make sure your garment is as neat as possible.
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